Personal Injury Mediation


The Decision-Makers

Like every decision, a verdict or a ruling on a personal injury suit comes down to who made it. Alan knows Montgomery County down deep.

Twice, Alan has run contested (and winning) political campaigns for his wife. He’s also been involved in other campaigns. Know the voters, know the jury pool.

Our judiciary is also familiar to Alan, practicing in Montgomery County since 2007. All the judges who try personal injury suits first took the bench since Alan has been involved in local politics. To Alan, they’re a known quantity.

Alan has long served as a conduit between the Montgomery County Bar and the judiciary. In 2023 and 2024, Alan spearheaded the County Bar’s first two courthouse emptying bench-bar conferences.

Today, Alan is serving in his second term as County Bar President.

Expect Alan to know something about how your judge or jury will look at your personal injury case — particularly in Montgomery County.


The cancer journey

Cancer changed everything. At 39 years old, Alan discovered he had genetic colon cancer. Three rounds and seven years later, Alan found himself cancer free by a miracle.

The victory came at a high cost. Alan wears an ostomy bag — and will for the rest of his life. The ostomy affects Alan’s life every day. He’s also needed a few more surgeries to repair issues created by the “Mother of All Surgeries.” Even Alan’s work has been upended. Alan has changed jobs twice; he’s changed practice areas twice.

Plaintiffs who’ve suffered a personal injury can relate to Alan. He’s walked in their shoes.


The Numbers

A personal injury is worth what the jury says it’s worth. The plaintiff doesn’t determine an injury’s value, the defense doesn’t either, but a jury does. Over the years, juries have set a trajectory for how they value injuries.

Alan has tracked Montgomery County jury verdicts. He can explain how those numbers relate to the attitudes of Montgomery County citizens.

Alan’s focus on the numbers and his Texas A&M business school background let him also talk an adjuster’s language.


Alan Bush mediates personal injury disputes in the Houston area. He mediates in person in Montgomery County and Harris County.